Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Importance of the Phsyical

When it comes to taking care of yourself, nothing is more basic than taking care of your physical needs. It is often so basic that it is easy to overlook, especially when you are contemplating higher things.

I know that for me personally, I find that things like eating right, healthy exercise and taking care of financial obligations somewhat irritating and bothersome. Until recently, that is.

The physical is the foundation of everything that you do while incarnated on planet earth. Being proactive and not procrastinating when it comes to taking care of your physical needs is important.

After all, if you think getting into shape is hard today, do you think it will be any easier ten years from now? Healthy diet has a cumulative effect, so starting sooner than later is important. Taking care of your finances is one of the most important, simply because having more than enough money gives you the freedom to pursue your dreams.

When it comes to relationships, my strong suggestion is: Improve your relationship with yourself. When you are happy and healthy you will naturally attract people that are healthy too (or improve the one you are in currently).

Healthy Eating

The more natural and seasonal your diet is the better. Processed foods have the most unnatural products in them, artificial sweeteners are worse than raw sugar, and cooking for yourself is better than eating out (unless that restaurant is awesome).

More important than what you eat is your attitude about what you eat. Bless your food. Send positive intent that you will get the best nutrition and sustenance available from the food you are eating. 

If you cannot feel healthy about the food you are eating and sending positive intent is impossible, then don't eat it! However, if you have been conditioned to fear eating natural foods, you may have to work on yourself a bit to relax your food standards and to do the best you can.

Healthy Exercise

Taking care of your physical body is very important. Having a fun, natural way to exercise allows you to have a sustainable fitness program.

Part of the difficulty when it comes to exercise is that people feel that unless they are working out at a gym for hours every day, then they are not getting sufficient exercise. That couldn't be farther from the truth!

All you really need is approximately 30 minutes of exercise 3-5 times a week to get into better shape. The amazing part is that you don't even have to do 30 minutes straight! You can literally do several 5-10 minute workouts throughout the day.

If you are looking for something that I personally use and highly recommend, look no further than: "You Are Your Own Gym" by Mark Lauren. The exercises in this book are body weight exercises that can be done no matter what your fitness level.

The work outs are anywhere from 16 minutes to 36 minutes in length, challenging and yet they leave you feeling great with plenty of energy to do what ever else you want to that day, even another workout!

I do this workout with the help of the app that you can find by searching for "you are your own gym" in the Apple or Android store. Get the app it helps a lot! It has videos and demos of the exercises and a workout tracker to make things easy. Seriously, get it.

Healthy Finances

This one is very important, part of what keeps us too busy to look deeper into the mysteries of the universe is constantly chasing after money and material things. I'm not saying money is bad, or that you should give up your material needs and go live in a cave wearing a diaper on your head.

I'm saying, get your finances in order. You will feel a lot better and you will have more freedom and more time to devote to your inner work if you do.

First of all: Stop spending money on things that do not improve your life. Money is meant to be spent, but if you waste it on junk that you don't need, then you might as well just throw that money in the trash for all the good it is doing for you.

Second of all: Stop being so damn cheap! Seriously, pay the extra money for the real cheese. Buy nice furniture instead of the couch that is $50 cheaper, even though the more "expensive" couch is exactly what you want and the "cheaper" one secretly makes you want to throw up!

Part of the reason we end up spending so much money is that we feel unfulfilled in life. Part of what makes life worth living is living in an environment that supports us mentally, emotional and spiritually as well as taking care of our physical needs.

Save a little longer if you have to and buy what you really want. You will end up saving thousands of dollars in the long run and you will uplift your spirit in ways you have to experience to believe!

Lastly: Do the work that inspires you and pays the bills! If you can't find your dream job, keep looking while you make your current job inspirational for yourself and others and when you find that dream job, go for it!

Having a well paying job allows you to finance a healthy lifestyle, gives you more freedom to pursue your dreams, and allows you to pay people like me for our wonderful help along the way. (We all got to eat, you know ;P )

Healthy Lifestyle

People. It all comes down in the end to people. Who you are with is often more important that where you are. The right people in you life can create heaven on earth. The wrong kind can make hell.

Create the kind of environment that will attract the people you want in your life and if nothing else, help you to be the kind of person that you want in your life. After all, you have to spend your whole life with yourself, so you might as well be someone that you would like to be around all the time!

Unhealthy people tend to put unhealthy demands on our time and energy. Weed them out, seriously. Today. Part of the reason you don't want to weed them out is because they will get upset. 

Like they aren't upset at you already. When you get rid of them, you won't be there to listen to their crap anymore, so you don't have to deal with it. Move on already. They'll find someone else to victimize soon enough.

Find healthy people. They are out there. Trust me.

Well, that wraps it up for today. If you have any questions or comments please post them here or email me and I will answer when appropriate!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Trust Yourself

Life can be difficult and confusing at times. Often we have done everything right, did what we were told to do, did exactly what we were supposed to have done and in the end things didn't work out the way they were supposed to have turned out.

How can this happen? I followed the plan perfectly and yet things didn't work out. What gives?

More than likely, at some point, there was a small quiet voice that knew exactly what to do, fighting to be heard over the shouting, demanding voice of the people of the past telling you what to do, and you listened.

Not to that inner knowing, but instead to the clamoring masses of other people's opinions demanding your attention. that is where things went wrong. The moment you stop trusting yourself, denying your true nature, your true beliefs, your true heart, that is when things go wrong.

There are many times when you have heard that voice and listened. If you pay attention, you know that voice, it's the one that is quiet, calm, and peaceful. The one that cares about you and doesn't threaten, try to guilt or shame you, doesn't demand anything at all.

That inner knowing isn't always in words, doesn't sounds like anyone you know, and probably doesn't even sounds like you, but it is you. It is in you. Trust in its strength and wisdom and soon you will see the results in you life that make life worth living.

Trust Yourself.

Monday, September 10, 2012

The Power of Personal Responsibility

There are many time in life when it easy to get overwhelmed by the constant demands that life makes of us. This is often because we have somehow given away our authority to others.

Whenever you feel that there are things that you "have to" do, or there is a long list of "shoulds" in our lives, we have given up our personal responsibility.

Everything that we do is our choice! We have freewill. We choose to create our lives in whatever way we see fit.

It is not uncommon to get hemmed in by other people and outside forces that threaten us with negative consequences if we do not conform to their wishes, but we always have the right, (if not the responsibility) to say no to the excessive and harmful demands that are not in alignment with ourselves.

 Personal Responsibility is Power! When you know that there is no higher authority than yourself, and that you are the only one responsible for your life, you become empowered to take action! Actions that help to make the world a better place, actions that bring joy and peace into your life and into the lives of others, actions of your own choosing!

You have the right to make decisions based on what you believe is best. How many times have you listened to others when you knew you shouldn't have? That stops today.

Make the choice to honor your inner wisdom and create the life that you want to live.

Life is wonderful when you put yourself in charge of it. Try it for a week, see how it fits, I'm sure you won't be disappointed!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

New Beginnings

Hello everyone. I know it has been a while since I have written anything. I have been rather internal during my most recent shift and I didn't feel like interrupting the process by writing.

There are times on a personal path when it is important to go within and withdraw from the outside world for a time. It gives you a chance to break up old patterns and dissolve unnecessary aspects of your personality.

When making these changes, it is much easier to change when you are not busy maintaining the way you used to be.

Personal evolution and growth come from within (although it can be encouraged from outside). I definitely want to continue this blog, even if its style will change.

I will have more posts shortly, I wanted to keep you all updated.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Learning to Listen

It is well know that it is important to be a good listener, but what does it take to be a great one?

Listening as an Art

Silence is Golden
There is more to listening than simply hearing things. Real listening begins when you begin to understand what you are hearing.

Start by understanding that even though people are using the same words you do, it doesn't mean that they saying the same thing!

Or, as I like to say, "Just because we are both speaking English, doesn't mean we are speaking the same language."

Different people have different beliefs and experiences that and flavor and meaning to the words they use. The tonal quality of they way they say a word can change its meaning. Different emphasis on different parts of a spoken phrase can change its meaning.

In the same way, when listening to someone, be aware that what they are saying may not be what they are really trying to communicate.

Hidden Communication

  • "Fine!" said with a genuine smile on their face: "Wonderful, life couldn't be better!"
  • "Fine!" same shortly with a frown and crossed arms: "Leave me alone! I don't want to be bothered!" (although I suspect they really want to talk to somebody about it.)
  • "Fine..." with slumped shoulders and a sad expression: "I feel very alone and nobody cares... *sigh*"
As you can see, even a simple word like "fine" is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to communication.

Listening to Body Language

Body Language
A person's facial expressions and body language communicate far more of what a person is saying than the words themselves. 

If you want to know what a person is silently sharing, pay attention to their body language

Body language reading is a fairly simple skill to pick up. You already do it, even if you are not aware of it. 

By paying attention to body language you will begin to get a fuller picture of what is actually going on with someone else.

A recommendation when reading body language is: Don't jump to conclusions! (This is the same for listening, by the way.) 

You should have at least 3 points of congruent data before making even a tentative theory about what they are saying.

Understanding Motivations

What's your motive?
When listening to people, I generally want to understand what they really want. Some people are just trying to sell you something. Some people just want you to validate their sob story. Some people want your attention. Some people are just lonely and want to make a connection. Some people want to share something that makes them feel great!

When you can tune in to a persons motivations, you can gain great insight into a person. This insight will allow you communicate more effectively with people by helping them to feel heard. This is what they are really communicating. (Effectively or not.)

If you have ever felt that someone was listening to you, but you still didn't feel heard, this is what was missing. they just didn't get it and the "it" was what you were really trying to share underneath the words.

Caring and Other Tips

The most important thing for great listening is great caring. If you don't care about someone, it's impossible to listen. The more you actually care about someone the more you actually listen.

Love is not the same as caring. Compassion is not the same a caring. Being truly interested in the other person is caring.

You can love them and yet not really care to be bothered with how they actually feel. You can have compassion for another person, yet not care about the details. When you desire to be fully present for the other person as if they are the most important person in the world and you want what is truly best for them, then and only then do you completely have it. That is how you listen.

Listening Tips

  • Care (I mean really care!)
  • Be respectful.
  • Don't interrupt.
  • Share relevant (and beneficial) information.
  • Seek to understand where they are coming from and what they really mean.
  • Don't take it personal. It's not about you. (usually)
  • Don't worry, be happy!

In Conclusion,

You have everything you need to become a good listener already. With these tips, you are well on your way to becoming a better listener. After all, you cared enough to read this!

Good luck and have fun!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Organization as Creativity

Creative Organization
Today, I was doing a bit of organization around the house and at first it felt tedious. Like it was the most boring, non-creative thing a person could be doing with their time.

I kept feeling that I was missing something, and my intuition was ringing. I felt drawn to read from a book I've recently purchased on Kundalini Yoga. 

While reading a section on the second chakra and creativity, it hit me that organization is creativity! I felt an immediate release of tension around the concept of sorting and organization.

Any act of creation has organization in it, and any act of organization has creativity in it. In order to decide how to sort things, you must first create rules to follow, and following these rules allow you to manifest your desires.

Life is and endless cycle of creation and destruction. An endless cycle of organization and reorganization!

So the next time you have a tedious task of organization ahead of you, remember that you can use it as an opportunity to be creative and have fun!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Good Decision Making Skills

Decisions, Decisions
Sometimes in life there are times when it is necessary to make quick good decisions.

It is not always easy, but when you master good decision making skills, it can be!

Foundations of Good Decision Making

There are many aspects of making good decisions, many of which happen internally way before the decision is made!

You will need a clear thinking process, emotional control and situational awareness.

Clear Thinking Process

There are several concepts that must be known in order to be effective
(in this order).
  • What are my goals? 
  • What is the situation?
  • What actions do I take?

What Are my Goals?

For personal power, you should have a primary goal or purpose, the top three roles, the ten methods and overall strategy. 

For simplicity, I am going to go over goals and purposes at this time.

Let's say your primary goal is total mastery, and three of your subgoals are: learning, loving, and healing. 

Everything you do should involve your primary goal(s). 

When deciding what exercise to do, ask: "What exercise would lead me to total mastery?" or "How could I exercise in a learning, loving and healing way that improves my mastery?" 

You get the idea.

Knowing what your goals are is like your own personal north star! They help keep you moving consistently in the direction that you choose. Your goals also allow you to know if something is not in alignment with your path. 

For instance, it is not in alignment with the goal of learning to keep yourself ignorant of something you could learn! (Even if it is something you are afraid to know!) 

It is in alignment to learn something that helps your mastery!

What is the Situation?

Situational Awareness

Knowing what is happening is of vital importance when making good decisions. If you are trying to find your way using a map, you must know where you are in order for the map to be useful. In the same way, understanding the situation and what is important is necessary.

To start, you need to ask yourself the basics: Who, what, when, where, why and how? For rapid understanding and decision making, I recommend this order instead: 

  • What?
  • Why?
  • How?


"What?" in my mind includes who, what, when, where and how. It is the first step because, with What? you are looking at your observations and the facts of any given situation. Before you can know what to do you must know what is happening!

It is also more streamlined to only ask one question than five. 

Look a picture of something happening and ask:

  •  "What is happening?" 

Now, look at the same picture and ask:

  • "Who is in this picture?"
  • "When is this happening?"
  • "Where is this happening?" 
  • "How is this happening?"

See how long that took? 

If you need more detailed information and have the time, feel free to ask more detailed (and pertinent) questions. Otherwise, just ask What?


With "Why?" you are trying to understand why things are happening. This is a call for looking beneath the surface events and understanding the underlying causes of what is happening. 

That may be seeking to know peoples' motivations for actions. For instance, someone who is accidentally stepping on your foot calls for a different action than someone maliciously stepping on your foot.

This is the point where you do some quick interpretation of what is happening. For easy understanding, I suggest "Is it good or bad?" or "Is this beneficial or harmful?" then when it comes time to decide how to act, you will know whether you need to correct it or appreciate it.


Help is on the way!
Now that you know what is happening, why it is happening and what your goals are, you should have all the information you need to make a good decision!

The first thing to do is to decide what is important and what is not. Temporarily set aside what is not important and focus on what is important. 

Begin taking actions in order of most important to least important. In this way you will ensure that priorities are taken care of.

Long Term Decision Making

More Complexity
For less immediate concerns, you may have time to brainstorm various options and solutions to your situation. 

I recommend coming up with at least ten different ways to proceed. By doing this, you increase your feelings of resourcefulness and capability. 

After determining options, think about the three most likely outcomes of each option. 

I usually think of the worst, the best, and the most likely. After looking at your options this way, you should have a few winners.

Act on the first of your top three and keep the other two in reserve, in case the first one doesn't work out. In this way you will always know what to do next.

Quick Decisions

If your course of action is still not clear, and you must act immediately, I recommend the following:

  1. Take the first action that becomes apparent.
  2. Observe the results.
  3. Are things the way you want them? 
  4. If yes: Awesome you are done!
  5. If no: Go back to step 1.

Good Decisions Summary

When making decisions, keep in mind the concept of trial and error. It is similar to solving a maze.

You know where to start, you know where to finish and then you make the best choices available and hope for the best. 

If you hit a dead end, no big deal, make different choices until you reach your goal. 

With time and practice, good decision making and success will be yours!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Taking Care of the Phsyical

Sometimes when people are pursuing personal mastery, they forget to take care of the physical (especially if they are focused on spiritual growth and evolution. It is important to remember that everything is connected and the physical world the most obvious part of our spiritual existence.

There are many aspects of physical reality that can be a drag to take care of, but part of mastery is learning how to turn even the most negative experiences into pure gold. There are many of those experiences that become incredibly joyful when approached with wisdom and insight.

Taking Care of Your Body

The Body is the Temple of your Soul. Learning how to properly take care of it (and learning how to stop doing things that harm it) are part of the mastery process. The key to taking good care of your body is remembering that it is your closest friend and ally in this journey of life. If it suffers, you suffer. If it is healthy, you are healthy.

When it comes to dealing with things of a "higher" nature, if your body is unhealthy, you cannot receive information as clearly, channel power as effectively, and radiate joy as abundantly. Taking care of your body allows you to function in this world with unity, grace and power.

The body has a variety of needs, that are all  fairly easy to take care of: 

  • Good Hygiene
  • Good Intake: Food, Air and Water
  • Good Work and Exercise
  • Rest, Relaxation and Relationships

Good Hygiene

Good Hygiene includes more than just staying clean and taking regular baths, it also includes having a clean living area and positive healthy thoughts. Keeping your living area healthy allows you to reduce your exposure to unhealthy things. Ugly clutter and bad smells not only effect you physically, they can also effect you emotionally and psychologically (not to mention energetically).

Emotional hygiene means not dwelling in negative feelings. Whether that means feeling negative towards your body (OMG! I'm so fat!), feeling negative towards your environment, (Uhg! I hate this carpet, it's so ugly!), or people (Argh! People drive me crazy!).

Instead of focusing on negative feelings, learn to focus on the positive changes that these feelings are suggesting to you!

  • "I'm so fat" turns into: "I want to take better care of my body with better diet and exercise." 
  • "I hate this carpet" turns into: "I want a beautiful carpet, how can I make that happen?" 
  • "People drive me crazy turns into: "I want to be able to get along better with people, what can I do to change that?"

Mental hygiene means healthy, positive thoughts instead of unhealthy, negative ones. Positive to the core! Not positive on the surface, with an ugly negative center. Real positive thoughts! You know what I mean.

Taking positive actions create a positive environment. A positive environment creates a positive body. Learn to see yourself as part of your environment and it becomes clear what to do to improve your health.

Good Intake: Food, Air and Water

Ahhh, the good old basic survival needs, what would we do without them? Probably die! (unless you are one of those people who have learned how to live without them. Congratz!) You more than likely have heard how to take care of the physical ascpect of this, so moving right along.

Much like good hygiene, good intake requires you to have positive feelings about what you are intaking.

Things to watch out for:

  • "OMG! This food is so high in calories and cholesterol, I'm going to get so fat!" turns into: "This food is helping me build a better body through good nutrition" (if it isn't, don't eat it, or learn to love it anyway!)
  • "Uhg, the air is so polluted and nasty!" turns into: "I only take what I need from the air and leave the rest!)
  • "City water is so awful!" turns into: "the water I drink keeps me hydrated and healthy!"

Once again, it is important to take positive actions in regards to your intake and to do so in a positive way. A piece of cake, once a day won't hurt you, 30 might. So don't be negative to yourself if you decide to have a dessert. Part of good health is enjoying life and the things you do.

Good Work and Exercise

You body is at it's healthiest when it doing good work and enjoying good exercise. Your physical health is 
a direct reflection in how you feel about what you are doing with your life. (People who have taken my body reading class know that this is also reflected by the condition of your car.) 

If you life is full of purpose and meaning and you believe that you are doing what is best, your physical health will be amazing! When you are doing things to make the world a better place, you naturally fall into harmony with nature. Your body will thrive in the healthy environment that you create.

Do what you love and what you love will do you! LOL! Doing something you believe in, in a positive way, helps you to feel good about yourself. Good feelings = Good health. Bad feelings = Bad health. 

When it comes to exercise, the same thing applies. All the jogging in the world won't help you if you hate every single step you take. You're likely to get injured that way (if only so you can stop doing something you hate.) 

However, if every jog, you feel like it's heaven on earth and what a joy to be alive and jogging, then your health will improve by leaps and bounds!

Your body, mind and emotions are all connected. They all must be healthy for you to be totally healthy. 

It's fun and easy!

Rest, Relaxation and Relationships

An often overlooked area for physical health is Rest, Relaxation and Relationships. When our lives are in alignment, these things are interwoven with the other categories. To be effective, you need to learn how to rest while you work, relax while you eat and have fantastic relationships with the people you are around.

Learning to rest is as easy as doing things in cycles. Everything moves in cycles. Imagine the heart. It is constantly working 24/7 right? Nope. It works then rests, works then rests. Sometimes faster, sometimes slower, yet it continuously functions our whole lives.

In the same way, learning how to do things in natural cycles will allow you to work continuously your whole life!

Now you may not want to do this unless you have mastered relaxation (otherwise known as fun.) When you can make everything you do fun, life becomes endless cycles of pleasure and enjoyment.

Last but not least, relationships. Learning how to enjoy being around people, (or learning to only be around people you enjoy) is large part of our happiness of being human. Here's a tip: Focus on what you like about the people you are around. If you can't find anything, then you don't want to.

Now sometimes people are too toxic to be around, and the answer there is not to try to make it work, it is to get away from them. You do not need to stay in abusive relationships. EVER. If they are just irritating to you that's different. See if you can change how you feel, with people you trust.

Physical Health and You

As you can see, your physical health is more than just taking care of physical needs. It is also taking care of your emotions, thoughts and spirit. Total health is part of Total Mastery!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Path of Mastery

I talk about mastery a lot, so I figured I should explain what I mean when I am talking about mastery.

Mastery is effectiveness, elegance and usefulness to the highest degree in all aspects of life. A tall order, no? 

The amazing thing about mastery is that you can focus on any one particular area of your life and then apply that mastery to all other areas of your life. By doing this you can become highly proficient in many different skills and abilities.

My particular focus is self mastery. Learn to understand your self, then everything else opens its doors to you. There are many aspects to who you are and it is sometimes useful to categorize the different areas of your being. There are many different ways of doing this and they are all valid to the point they are useful.

It is useful to think about your different levels of being as a rainbow. Each color is not really separate, they actually blend together, yet have the appearance of being separate colors.

Even the rainbow itself has the appearance of existing independently, yet it could not exist without the water droplets suspended in the air, the light being refracted through the water, or without our eyes seeing it!

In other words, you have the appearance of being a separate individual and yet you could not exist without everything else in the universe! The doorway to greater understanding of the Self is whatever is easiest to know. The best place to start is with you.

I would like to show you various aspects that you can learn to master, in order of obvious to the more subtle and the advantages of each.

The Physical

The is often the easiest area to start, mainly because it it the easiest to experience and share with other people. However, even in this area of reality, there is quite a bit of disagreement in to how it all works.

You could spend a lifetime exploring the physical universe and never run out of new things to discover.

Anything in the physical world can be used as a doorway to greater understanding. The best are physical activities that increase awareness and mindfulness.

Tai Chi, Yoga, Running, Swimming, Hiking and pretty much any outdoor activity can be useful. Creating physical things by hand is wonderful as well. Pay attention to the process and insight into the workings of reality will begin to show through.

You know you are beginning to master the physical when: 

  • You are physically healthy all the time
  • You do not have "accidents"
  • The things you own do not break or wear out
  • Money comes to you easily and effortlessly
  • People, places and things you are around become better physically 

The Emotional

Learning mastery of your emotions is mandatory for developing mastery of everything else. Emotions can be wonderful things, except when they aren't!

Depression, hopelessness, and fear are all examples of emotions that must be mastered. Even more positive emotions can become troublesome. Love can turn into addiction and create codependent relationships or even hate.

Don't be afraid of your emotions. When you have mastered them, the become your strongest allies in manifesting your intent into reality. There are many ways to master your emotions and the emotional exercises that help the most are ones that increase awareness and control.

Meditation is one example. Learning to delay gratification and to proceed to take action in the face of adversity is another. Any physical activity taken while paying attention to your emotions will give you great insight.

Mastering your emotions help to lift away the clouds and fog in your internal world allowing you to be more effective in your day to day life and see and think more clearly.

You will know when you are beginning to achieve emotional mastery when:

  • You do not get upset easily
  • You are able to maintain an effective emotional distance
  • You understand and can feel the emotions of others
  • You can choose, at will how you are going to feel
  • You know how you really feel about things at all times

The Mental

If you learn how to use your mind effectively, everything else becomes easier on the road to mastery. The mind is the powerhouse of creativity. It is what allows you to shape your life as you choose. It is what even allows you to choose in the first place. 

The mind, if allowed to run rampant, can make your worst nightmares into a reality, but if mastered can create heaven on earth!

There are many exercises that help to master your mind. Meditation is good here as well. Mental puzzles and games like Sudoku are good. Literal puzzles are great for this.

Using logic, deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning effectively to figure out how and why things are the way they are is extremely useful.

Choosing consciously what you are going to do, often by effective planning, role playing, or freewill exercises are also extremely effective.

You know you are beginning to master your mind when: 

  • You are quickly able to ascertain the truth of situations and things instantly
  • You can tell when you or someone else is not being truthful
  • It becomes a small matter to determine how things function
  • You can effortlessly choose the right course of action
  • Your thoughts are clear, concise and accurate.

The Spiritual

Here's where the real fun begins. There is no real consensus on what is in the spiritual, so I will tell you what I  know. The spiritual is a mysterious realm that by its nature seems internal when in fact it is in everything and is everywhere and in everyone. It is the realm of dreams, inspiration and other realities. It is the realm of unity, oneness and the human soul all wrapped into one.

There are actually many levels of existence at this level that would take many books and many, many lifetimes to even begin to explain. the easiest place to start here is the human soul. your soul is actually the part of you that is immortal. It continues from lifetime to lifetime and gathers wisdom and experiences as it goes. It is your higher self and ultimately wants what is best for it and you. Some people call it their guardian angel, some their spirit guides, but most of the time it is actually you. (there are such things a spirit guides and guardian angles too.)

At the highest level of the spiritual, there is unity with the divine, otherwise known as illumination or enlightenment. When this alignment is maintained, things are wonderful. you know everything, see everything and are everything and that is a pale description of it. Get there and see for yourself.

You will know when you are beginning to master the spiritual when: 

  • You have a deep sense of purpose and meaning in life
  • You are guided intuitively to be at the right place at the right time
  • You are able to see the deeper meaning behind events
  • You radiate a beneficial aura of peace, love and acceptance

And Beyond!

You may have noticed that in all the sections, that I said "beginning to master". That is because mastery, like life, is a never ending journey, that you can take as far as you want. In your journey on the path of mastery, you will find amazingly useful insights that you can use to help yourself and others. There is no limit to what you can accomplish. 

Good luck and have fun!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Choosing Relationships Wisely

There are many wonderful things about relationships. When our relationships are good, they help us gain wisdom, help us grow stronger, help us become happier. When our relationships are bad, they can be some  of the most destructive things in our life. On the path of mastery, it is vital to master the art of relationships.

Healthy vs unhealthy relationships

The key here is to be able to know the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships. For some, this is not problem at all. For others it can be quite a challenge. 

The biggest obstacle is mislabeling people. They base whether someone is good or bad based off of the group they have put them in.

A common example of this is: Family = Good (no exceptions). The problem here is that people are people and each individual may behave differently than the group.  Each relationship that you have should be considered individually.

When considering whether a relationship is beneficial or harmful, it is important to set aside their labels. 
One good way to do this is to ask yourself, "If a total stranger was doing this, how would I react?" If it would be considered negative in a stranger it is ten times more harmful if it is someone who is close to you!

Friends and Family

Contrary to popular belief you can choose both your friends and your family! It's awesome when they can be both, (but only if that is how it really is). 

Ideally, a Friend is someone who helps to bring out the best in us, supports us, looks out for us, and sometimes even says the things that others might not, (Dude, you got a booger in your nose!) to save us from embarrassing mistakes.

Family is someone you happen to be related to through DNA. Some of them may be friends, some of the may be your worst nightmare. Learn to recognize the difference!

Core individuals

If you want to gain greater mastery over your life, it is imperative to take charge of your relationships. Having a model can make a huge difference in how your relationships are handled. The people that you spend the most time with must be the best people you know! The people closest to you affect your thoughts, feelings, ,emotions and even your physical health!

Spend quality time with truly beneficial people and watch as your life magically improves! Set standards for the type of people that you allow into your inner circle and don't look back. If people don't make the cut, no worries, you are giving them the opportunity to become a better person (if they really want to be around you anyway).

I personally have a scale of  1-10. On this scale 1 = me (or people I 100% trust) and 10 = people I extremely rarely interact with because they are so negative or harmful. 1-3 are good friends, 4-6 are acquaintances and 7-10 are neutrals or people to be avoided, 10+ are people to never be involved with, ever!

Relating with yourself

You are the person that you spend the most time with, so make sure you are beneficial to yourself! Ask yourself, "Would I let a total stranger talk to me like that?" If the answer is no, the stop it. You have total control over how you act. Choose to be your own best friend and life is wonderful, choose to be your own worst enemy and no one can save you (except you)!

Be that father or mother you always wanted, for yourself. Be the compassionate listener, for yourself. Give unconditional love to yourself, and it will shine forth for everyone else to enjoy! Be there for yourself and you will never be alone again.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Pushing Your Limits

Tree of Life
To gain true mastery, it is necessary to push your limits. Imagine an acorn on its journey to become a tree.

To begin, it must push through its outer shell to begin growing. Then it puts down roots and pushes upward through the soil seeking light. When it finally comes out of the darkness of the soil, it begins its first actions as a tree.

It may not be strong yet and may need protection, but it is well on its way to become a strong and powerful being. It's leaves soak up the light and transfer that energy into the ground of its being. Its roots go deep and support the growth into the light.

Before long, the tree has become an awe inspiring natural monument to the wonders of this universe and it does this by pushing its limits!

It is our right and our divine nature that impels us to seek greatness. It is the divine will that guides us, to bigger and better things. It is the flow of divine light that seeks to express itself through us. We are here to create heaven on earth. So lets get started!

Much like the acorn we all start in the darkness, seeking the light. At first it may feel confusing, but only if you look outside of yourself for guidance. We all have an internal compass that guides us. It is our spark of divine wisdom inside us. It knows what to do.

Unlike the seed, we are surrounded by other beings swirling around in ignorance that unintentionally mislead us. If you learn to listen to the inner divinity, then you will not be mislead. When you learn how to hear the ring of truth in other's words, your roots can be supported and nurtured. When you finally see the light of truth, you can see clearly and the need for struggle has past.

First Growth
When you begin you first growth, you begin to leave behind all your previous ideas. They are your past, yet your future stretches out before you, encouraging you to move forward.

As you follow your nature, you growth will happen spontaneously and effortlessly. Life becomes an adventure. Joy and happiness are your companions. Beauty and pleasure becomes the measurement of success. Everything flows.

You life naturally come into alignment with all of creation and you begin to develop your place in reality. The universe seeks harmony and dynamic balance. All things change. Life seeks to evolve. So do you.

When things feel out of alignment, you life becomes difficult. Frustrations abound. These are all symptoms of blocked evolution. It is natures way of showing you that you are off your path. Realign with your true nature, and all becomes well again.

Seek your truth, grow and evolve. You know what to do, even if you think you don't. There is that inner divinity that guides you. Listen and you will find that there are no limits, only opportunities to grow!

Unlimited Growth Opportunities!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Developing Awareness

One of the most useful abilities that create the foundation of mastery is the power of awareness. If increasing your awareness is the only thing you do, you will completely change your life for the better. Greater awareness leads to greater health, wealth, and happiness. Not to mention at its highest levels, enlightenment! Let's get started.


The first and easiest way to develop awareness is meditation. And the easiest meditation to start with is breathing meditation. For this you want to simply breathe, while gently allowing your awareness to follow your breath as it goes in and out.

Even doing this for three breaths is enough to help focus you and increase your awareness. It is best to do this without counting, because words block awareness. You could do this for upwards of 30 minutes a day, but I recommend no more than 5 minutes to start.

Physical Sensing

The next way is tuning into your senses and really paying attention. Once again, do this without commentary and to do this without commentary it is best focus on the sensations you are receiving.

The senses, in order of usefulness and ease of use: Touch, Sound, Sight, Smell and Taste. For total development, take time to use each one consciously each day.

Energy Awareness

Begin by feeling the energy flowing through your body. If you have a hard time feeling it, do something! take a few deep breaths to get your energy flowing, or jump up and down for a few seconds, then try again. as you develop your awareness you will begin to notice more and more about your energy flows.

Once you have a feeling for that move on to sensing energy in objects, places, people or even ideas! Everything has energy, so try whatever sounds fun!

Come up with your own ideas!

Anything can be used to develop your awareness, as long as you focus your awareness on what is being done.

Watching TV can be done with awareness if you pay attention. I usually pay attention either to myself, or the underlying ideas in the show. Talking to people can increase awareness if you actively listen to them. Working can be done is such a way as to increase awareness by staying in the present moment.

Every moment is an opportunity for training!

Friday, June 8, 2012

The Power of Focus

It is easy to underestimate the power of focus, but when you learn how to harness it, you will find there is no limit to its power! Focus is the ability to direct your attention and energy in a specific area for greater effect. A good example of this is psi (pounds per square inch). 

If you take 100 pounds and spread it out, you only have 1 psi. However, if you were to focus that 100 pounds into a single inch you get 100 psi. If you were able to focus that same amount into 1-1000th of an inch you would have 100,000psi. The more precise the focus area, the more effective power you have!

So how does this apply to intent work? As individuals we all have our own PSI (Personal Strength Index) and when we learn how to focus our energy and awareness more precisely, we can effectively multiply our personal power! Most people get poor results with their intent work because they are unable to focus clearly or they lack personal power (usually both). The reason I am focusing on focus is that it is the easier of the two to improve.

PSI Formula

The PSI model I use is an adaptation of Effective Force = (Mass x Acceleration)/Area of effect. It would look more like this: PSI = (Inner Power x Intent)/Focus. To develop your PSI, you will need to improve all areas of the formula (as well as other PSI enhancing techniques). It is fine to start anywhere, but you will get the most immediate results from gaining the ability to focus.

Better Focus

In order to clarify how to focus better, I will give a few examples that you can use immediately in your life. A good example is making decisions quickly. This can be a difficult skill to learn, but when you understand the trick of it, it becomes quite simple. The quickest decisions can be reached if you only consider 1 point of view or one idea or even one feeling. 

To clarify further, the most effective way to make good, quick decisions is to ask yourself, "What would I do?" or "What would I do if I knew what to do?"  These questions have the hidden ability to clear away, other peoples thoughts, feelings and intents that may be interfering with your decision making process, create greater clarity and focus. This also leads to less confusion , greater confidence and a strong sense of purpose!

Clarifying Intent

The basics of creating a good intent are covered initially by clarifying your focus. After knowing what you want, then you need to address any inner objections or obstacles that may be preventing you from manifesting your intent. If you clarified your focus good enough, there should be none of those anyway, but if there are any major ones, they must be harmonized with your primary intent. If not, they can diffuse your focus and even sometimes be working directly against your intent.

The key here is to focus on the solutions to the counter-intent, not the counter -intent itself. When you find ways to harmonize the counter-intent, its power merges with your primary intent creating clarity and increased power and effectiveness. It is your power, so use it as you see fit.

Developing Inner Power

The development of inner power can be done in so many different ways that it is impossible to cover them all. However, it is possible to discover the essence of inner power and how the different methods increase it. To start with, you have unlimited power, lack of power is an illusion, created by the mind and you can decide how much power you have. Try it and see. The one thing that all methods have in common is that they allow you to see more of your power clearly, so that you learn about the power you already have.

It's like having an unlimited bank account and thinking you only have 20 dollars in it. the truth is you have as much money as you want. No more, no less. The same goes for personal power. You may be surprised by how much power you really have. When you begin using that potential power, it becomes a kinetic force for creation in the world. Embracing your power allows you to create bigger and better things.

In Conclusion

No matter where you start, this formula will help you to increase your PSI. The more PSI you have the more effective you will be in your daily life. It takes power, clarity and focus to create the best in life, so do yourself a favor (and your family and friends), start today!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Power of Transmutation

For a long time, growing up in a society that valued conflict as a way to resolve issues, I felt the best way to accomplish something was to attack it head on. Face to face, like gladiators in an area, may the best man win. Over time however, I began to see that direct conflict was ineffective. It was wasteful, prideful and ultimately unsuccessful. Learning the ways of transmutation allow me to have much better results with minimal conflict and mutually beneficial outcomes.

The core belief of transmutation is the belief that we are all on the same team. The idea that we can find a way together to achieve not only what we want and what others want but to actually create a reality that is better for all of us in ways we never imagined. Of course, there are times when others want what is actually detrimental for us, but even in those cases they have a positive motivation for their actions and when you find it, that is when you begin to unlock the secrets of transmutation.

The formula for transmutation goes something like this: Identify the common positive benefits, goals or objectives, then create a method to achieve them, then put it into action! Pretty straight forward, isn't it? The real key is uncovering the true desired benefits. They are there, sometimes you may have to dig a bit, but they are there. Now maybe you are curious as to how this applies to yourself even.

To begin with, as individuals we often have conflicting beliefs, goals and desires, but at the core there is a deeper consensus. This is usually known as self interest. The seeking of pleasure and avoiding pain. The seeking of happiness and minimizing suffering. The seeking of love and stopping hatred. In other words, the innate desire of our soul to create goodness and eliminate evil. Our divine self is what drives us to create a better life for ourselves and others. So learn to embrace your true nature and what you help to create will shine forth the goodness from within.

When you realize that at the core, everything that people are doing is driven by the need to create goodness, then you can realize the conflict is cause by faulty methods and not the deepest motivations. This applies doubly for you! Create a method that is in deeper harmony and alignment with what you are going to accomplish, and then there is no conflict only positive, beneficial results.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Moving Forward

Sometimes all it takes to make a change in your life is to make the first step. Usually that first step is making the decision to make the first step. Sometimes it can seem overwhelming to begin, but remember each step is easy if you make them small enough. Don't be afraid to use your natural talents to make a change in the world. There is no need to do it perfectly, there is no need to do it the way other people would. There is no need to fear.

Step forward courageously and create you reality boldly! Every moment is an act of creation. Make it bold, make it beautiful, make it yours! Our time is limited, so don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Let each moment take care of itself, focus on the now and nothing is beyond your reach. Let it be know to the universe that which you desire and take the next step.

Sometimes the next step is learning more. There are many people out there who have already accomplished what you are seeking to do, be or have! Look to them as role models, listen to their advice and it can save you a lot of time! If you cannot find an example of what you want then there learning process comes down to trial and error. DO something, observe what happened, adjust as necessary. Learning is about doing, to truly know something you must do it not just read about it. Putting knowledge into action becomes wisdom. Try it and see.

As you gain more experience, it becomes easier and easier to do anything you desire. The fundamentals are all the same. Try to see if you can correlate something you already know how to do with something you do not. Before long you will see that you do already know what to do. Now do it!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Improving your Freewill

Let's start by talking a bit about Fate, Freewill and Destiny. Fate is what you get if you don't try to change anything about yourself consciously. In other words, it is the forces of social conditioning, genetics and circumstances. If your fate is taking you where you want to go, no problems, enjoy the ride. Freewill is the ability to make conscious choices that can redirect the flow of fate into a new and hopefully more enjoyable future. Goal setting, action plans, and intent work are all examples of this. Destiny is where you actually are at any given moment. It is the combination of Fate and Freewill.

If you are intent on improving your life, it is important to focus on improving your Freewill and that is where Freewill Exercises come in. Freewill exercises consist of three basic parts: Paying attention, stopping conditioned responses, acting on new choices. I would also break these down into three levels of challenge: Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced.

Basic exercises should be small challenges with little to no risk and ideally an improved beneficial aspect. For example: Getting out of bed 5 minutes earlier, Drinking tea with your off hand, Stopping to take a deep breath before speaking, etc. Use your imagination and you will undoubtedly come up with some of your own.

Intermediate exercises may have some risk and ideally have an improved benefit aspect. For example: Saying no to people of authority in your life when you mean no, saying yes to the things in your life that you really want when you know others might not approve, confronting basic fears in a safe way, learning a new skill that you always wanted to but never have, or public speaking about some of your favorite things.

Advanced exercises should ideally be undertaken only after progressing through the basic and intermediate exercises. These can be major life changing events and are not to be taken lightly. Some examples: Quit that job you hate and find or create one you love, Break up with that abusive person and find the love of your life (or spend some quality time alone for a greater challenge), Climb that mountain, go skydiving, run a marathon, try parkour, in other words, change yourself in a major way, put it all on the line. You know what your biggest challenges are, go face them!

The benefits of these exercises include but are not limited to: an improved self-esteem, more confidence, new experiences, the satisfaction of doing the impossible, great stories to tell, having an amazing life and much more. If you start at whatever level you are comfortable at, and move to bigger and better things, there is no limit to what you can accomplish!