Monday, July 9, 2012

Organization as Creativity

Creative Organization
Today, I was doing a bit of organization around the house and at first it felt tedious. Like it was the most boring, non-creative thing a person could be doing with their time.

I kept feeling that I was missing something, and my intuition was ringing. I felt drawn to read from a book I've recently purchased on Kundalini Yoga. 

While reading a section on the second chakra and creativity, it hit me that organization is creativity! I felt an immediate release of tension around the concept of sorting and organization.

Any act of creation has organization in it, and any act of organization has creativity in it. In order to decide how to sort things, you must first create rules to follow, and following these rules allow you to manifest your desires.

Life is and endless cycle of creation and destruction. An endless cycle of organization and reorganization!

So the next time you have a tedious task of organization ahead of you, remember that you can use it as an opportunity to be creative and have fun!

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