Sunday, October 14, 2012

Trust Yourself

Life can be difficult and confusing at times. Often we have done everything right, did what we were told to do, did exactly what we were supposed to have done and in the end things didn't work out the way they were supposed to have turned out.

How can this happen? I followed the plan perfectly and yet things didn't work out. What gives?

More than likely, at some point, there was a small quiet voice that knew exactly what to do, fighting to be heard over the shouting, demanding voice of the people of the past telling you what to do, and you listened.

Not to that inner knowing, but instead to the clamoring masses of other people's opinions demanding your attention. that is where things went wrong. The moment you stop trusting yourself, denying your true nature, your true beliefs, your true heart, that is when things go wrong.

There are many times when you have heard that voice and listened. If you pay attention, you know that voice, it's the one that is quiet, calm, and peaceful. The one that cares about you and doesn't threaten, try to guilt or shame you, doesn't demand anything at all.

That inner knowing isn't always in words, doesn't sounds like anyone you know, and probably doesn't even sounds like you, but it is you. It is in you. Trust in its strength and wisdom and soon you will see the results in you life that make life worth living.

Trust Yourself.

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