Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Choosing Relationships Wisely

There are many wonderful things about relationships. When our relationships are good, they help us gain wisdom, help us grow stronger, help us become happier. When our relationships are bad, they can be some  of the most destructive things in our life. On the path of mastery, it is vital to master the art of relationships.

Healthy vs unhealthy relationships

The key here is to be able to know the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships. For some, this is not problem at all. For others it can be quite a challenge. 

The biggest obstacle is mislabeling people. They base whether someone is good or bad based off of the group they have put them in.

A common example of this is: Family = Good (no exceptions). The problem here is that people are people and each individual may behave differently than the group.  Each relationship that you have should be considered individually.

When considering whether a relationship is beneficial or harmful, it is important to set aside their labels. 
One good way to do this is to ask yourself, "If a total stranger was doing this, how would I react?" If it would be considered negative in a stranger it is ten times more harmful if it is someone who is close to you!

Friends and Family

Contrary to popular belief you can choose both your friends and your family! It's awesome when they can be both, (but only if that is how it really is). 

Ideally, a Friend is someone who helps to bring out the best in us, supports us, looks out for us, and sometimes even says the things that others might not, (Dude, you got a booger in your nose!) to save us from embarrassing mistakes.

Family is someone you happen to be related to through DNA. Some of them may be friends, some of the may be your worst nightmare. Learn to recognize the difference!

Core individuals

If you want to gain greater mastery over your life, it is imperative to take charge of your relationships. Having a model can make a huge difference in how your relationships are handled. The people that you spend the most time with must be the best people you know! The people closest to you affect your thoughts, feelings, ,emotions and even your physical health!

Spend quality time with truly beneficial people and watch as your life magically improves! Set standards for the type of people that you allow into your inner circle and don't look back. If people don't make the cut, no worries, you are giving them the opportunity to become a better person (if they really want to be around you anyway).

I personally have a scale of  1-10. On this scale 1 = me (or people I 100% trust) and 10 = people I extremely rarely interact with because they are so negative or harmful. 1-3 are good friends, 4-6 are acquaintances and 7-10 are neutrals or people to be avoided, 10+ are people to never be involved with, ever!

Relating with yourself

You are the person that you spend the most time with, so make sure you are beneficial to yourself! Ask yourself, "Would I let a total stranger talk to me like that?" If the answer is no, the stop it. You have total control over how you act. Choose to be your own best friend and life is wonderful, choose to be your own worst enemy and no one can save you (except you)!

Be that father or mother you always wanted, for yourself. Be the compassionate listener, for yourself. Give unconditional love to yourself, and it will shine forth for everyone else to enjoy! Be there for yourself and you will never be alone again.

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