Thursday, May 10, 2012

True power

Sometimes when searching for the truth, it is not uncommon to look for the latest, greatest thing. This is often a way of avoiding the truth. Why not look within to find the truth that resides inside you and all things. Deeper understanding does not require knowledge, only observation and awareness. By increasing your awareness of reality, you come to understand reality in all its glory. Don't be afraid to see what is present with you at all times.

By focusing too much on the new, we can become sidetracked by things instead of essence. Essence is what is important. Appearances can vary but the truth of what is in everything is always apparent, just waiting to be recognized. We often cloud ourselves to truth, often because it means taking responsibility for our own lives. As long as there is another guru, another teacher, another parent, another brother, sister, friend, authority figure, there will always be an excuse to absolve yourself from personal responsibility. If you choose to take responsibility for yourself and the world around you, you can find great freedom and the opportunity to create the life you want to live.

Step up to the challenge. Bring forth that which is yours to create. Feel the flow of the endless stream of life moving as you direct it to build wondrous things! What are your dreams? What is your passion? You have the power to manifest them all. Choose to believe in the divine power that courses through your veins. It is a part of you as you are a part of it. One seamless whole. Let it flow and amaze yourself!

The place to begin is now. Choose one thing, for now. Align your will and purpose. Allow the universe to manifest your creation. Continue until you feel it click. You will know when it does. If you aren't sure, it hasn't clicked yet. When it does, be ready, because you will have that which you chose faster that you imagined possible. Give yourself fully into the process and nothing will stand in your way. Do not be afraid of your own power. Even though it is greater than you imagine, you will only do what is in the highest good.

The collective consciousness of the universe will guide and direct you to that which is best. It knows everything that everyone and everything knows. It's wisdom is limitless. Let it guide you and flow through you like a raging river and it will pull you along with it's current and you will find yourself in the ocean of life, able to go anywhere, do anything and be anyone you choose to be. Dare to dream, but dare even more to create the reality of your dreams, here and now.

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