Tuesday, May 22, 2012

True healing

First of all, I like to talk about what healing is and how I used to see it. Healing was strongly associated with something new becoming broken and then needing fixing (also with a hint of never quite being as good as new). This concept of healing definitely made my job as a healer more difficult mainly because it would never allow me to get someone past 99% better. Recently while meditating on the subject, I came to a new realization about healing that I would like to share.

At the core of this is the truth that there is a permanent incorruptible nature that we all share. Some might call this inner divinity, higher self, Christ consciousness, Buddha nature, etc. This true being within us is by its very nature perfect and untouched by external events and circumstances. External in this case also happens to include our personal inner worlds. Because of this true nature, we can never truly be harmed in any way. In addition to this, it is important to realize that this external world is an illusion.

By an illusion, I mean not permanent in any real way. Everything here changes. It is a dream. It is a game. None of it is real. I know it seems incredibly real, but so does a good movie while you are watching it. After it is over then reality kicks back in. True reality. Realizing the truth of this will allow you to do amazing things. For now I will just talk about how this changes everything for healing.

To start with, I am going to change the word healing to renewal. I feel that this better emphasizes the aspects of healing that are beneficial. With renewal, you reestablish the original nature of your being. This allows your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies to truly heal.

Part of the renewal process is the realization that even the "damage" that happened is not real either. When this awareness happens, it allows you to easily wipe away any unwellness for yourself or others. How do you get rid of an imaginary illness? The best was is to see through the illusion, the next is to use other imaginary solutions, the slowest is to wait it out until you forget about it. When you stop maintaining the illusion, it goes away.

When I talk about using imaginary solutions, I am referring to remembering that this reality is a dream and using a method that makes sense in this dream. This even includes normal modern medicine (if you strongly believe that it will work for you, that is.) Whatever you have faith in, you will be healed by. Remember though, that the best way is to simply realize your true nature of divine perfection. This allows you to see the impermanence of all things and give you the power to change things at will. It might take a bit of practice though. Start with some small things and work your way up to the bigger challenges (or you could just skip to the end and make it easier.)

Embrace your true nature, allow it to shine forth and all is renewed!

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