Thursday, May 3, 2012

Breathing Life into the past

When I was about four years old, I remember noticing that there were two different ways of breathing and I asked my family which way was right. They had no idea of what I was even talking about and ignored what I was asking as if it were a childish question. Years later I realized how important that question really was.

The two types of breathing I noticed were chest breathing and abdominal breathing. If my family had told me that abdominal breathing was the right one I really would have been better off. I noticed that when I was awake I was breathing using my chest like all the adults around me. I noticed also that while I was sleeping I was breathing with my abdomen. shallow breathing leads to low energy, low energy leads to stress, stress leads to illness. Deep abdominal breathing on the other hand leads to ample amounts of energy, which leads to peacefulness, which leads to good health.

Breathe a few good deep abdominal breaths and see how you feel afterwards.

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