Friday, April 27, 2012

On being psychic

Metaphysics can be difficult to teach sometimes. To know one part, you pretty much need to know a hundred other things. Sometimes I forget what seems simple to me, may not be so for people just starting out. If you are new to studying energy work, psychic abilities or magic, don't get discouraged. It can often seem daunting at first. There are so many obstacles to the beginning student.

First, is this stuff even real? This obstacle stop most people from even looking at this field at all. There are way too many skeptics out there (actually there are skeptics and the willfully ignorant) that are all to willing to disprove the existence of psychic phenomenon while ignoring the evidence that it exists. There are a lot of so called "normal" things that are in fact psychic in nature.

A good example is dreaming. We all dream, yet you cannot physically prove that they do. Can't weigh them, collect them, touch, taste or feel them. Yet we all know they exist. Dreams are a great mystery. Where do they come from? Do they mean anything? Some people write them off by saying, "Oh that's just random brain activity." Really. Ever had a dream literally come true? Explain that. "Well... that's just a coincidence." Ahh... the shallow defense of the lazy minded. It happens often enough and most people who have true dreaming can tell the ones that will happen from the ones that are just "normal" dreams. Dreams are a mystery, and that's that.

So let's say you've accepted (even in a true skeptical manner) that psychic phenomenon exists. The next step is learning how to make it work for you. I firmly believe that we are all psychic. Every last one of us. Maybe a little, maybe a lot, but we can all get better at it with practice. Much like playing the piano or violin, most of us can learn how, if we have the desire to. The biggest stumbling block here is still more latent skepticism. It tends to be more along the lines of "A watched pot never boils" nature. The key here is to practice then observe what happened, or have an open minded friend watch for you so you can relax and do your best.

After gaining some basic proficiency in your psychic skills, the next block hits. You want to show everyone how cool it is. This is a bad idea. psychic phenomenon functions using our silent intent (otherwise known as belief) and often the people we are choosing to show have a stronger belief that it isn't possible than the fledgling psychic believes it is possible. To really shift things in reality you have to be totally certain of your abilities when demonstrating them to disbelievers. This strong disbelief is often called nega-psi (it could also be considered antimagic) In some ways this is like when you're having a really great day and someone in a really bad mood yells at you. Is your belief in your happiness stronger than their belief in anger? Probably not at first, but if you learn how to hold your inner reality you can overcome their negativity by denying their reality in favor of your own (I guess a better way is to affirm your reality and ignore theirs, it's easier). The best bet however, is to keep it quiet, at least until you have build a strong foundation in your psychic abilities.

"How do you turn this off?" I get asked this a lot especially after teaching people how to use their natural empathy, telepathy, or whenever they greatly increase their psychic sensitivity. There are a lot of ways to shut out psychic noise and for me they all come under the category "going normal". Eat really heavy meals with a lot of meat, watch too much television, focus on your job, do something physical for a bit. All these this will help normalize you temporarily. Better is doing something that integrates the physical and the psychic aspects of your life. Good examples: Tai chi, yoga, walking in nature, swimming, and playing or listening to music to name a few. Integration goes a long way to having a healthy balanced lifestyle. Too much psychic equals space case, too much psychic equals lifelessness, and just right equals success and happiness.Some of the best balanced people I know are psychics who don't know they are psychic or at least don't make a big deal out of it. Remember, we all are psychic and physical in nature so don't get delusions of grandeur when you finally realize how truly powerful you are. More on this later.

After a while you may start to get a reputation for being psychic and that's when the real fun begins. Most people completely misunderstand what it is to be psychic. If they knew, it's would be such a big deal. For convenience sake like put people into three categories: People who hate, people who don't care and people that are fans. The people that hate do so for various reasons, usually because of their religious viewpoints. This even includes what the "Worshipers of Science", the type that believe that science has all the answers and that if it's not hard science is not true. They are best avoided, mainly because these people tend to be toxic to you. They can make life miserable without even trying (even if you aren't talking about psychic abilities). The people who don't can can be a drain only if you waste your time trying to get them to care. They don't, move on. Then there are your supporters, they usually are a great source of comfort and validation but this can become toxic if you allow them to become their savior. It's is better to show them how to do what you do, than it is to do it for them (If they are interested of course).

And finally the biggest obstacle of them all: you. the more you delve into psychic phenomenon the more you bring energy into your psyche. Psychic energy by nature is healing and this will cause some of your latent "issues" rise to the surface. If you find that this becomes a problem, go normal for a while. read a book, take a hike, fly a kite. These things pass, there is no need to "work" on them. Just observe and the energy will do the rest. It's kind of like pouring water into a glass that has a lot of dirt at the bottom, after a while it all washes out.

In the later stages, your abilities take a back seat to the growing feeling of peace and understanding inside you. You start to feel real compassion and love. Real appreciation and enjoyment of life. The sun shines and the birds chirp. This is the real goal of psychic development: illumination. The sense of rightness in the world and the oneness that you feel. Good luck and have fun.

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