Saturday, November 30, 2013

Hello again. :)

I know it's been a while since I last wrote something. I have been doing some intensive soul searching and internal work. I would like to share some of the things that I have been doing and hopefully it will may shed some light on your own personal journey.

The key here is being real. I mean authentically real. Not necessarily "real world" real, but really you real. There are things out there that are popular ideas. They sound good on paper, but aren't really working for you. Think about it. The time and energy that we devote to these ideas takes away from the time that we can dedicate to our personal journey. You have the right to believe whatever you wish, but I would encourage you to find out what is really true for you.

 I took a long, hard look at a lot of the various beliefs that I had unconsciously adopted on my personal path. One of the most pernicious ones is the idea that there was something wrong with me that needed to be fixed. Everything that I was doing was an attempt to make up for something that was missing or wrong with me. There are a lot of beliefs out there that are useful, but they also support this wrong assumption that we make about ourselves.

There is this idea that the earth plane is a school that we are in in order to learn how to be better, or to make our souls better, or to connect better with the divine, etc. etc. The truth is that we are already connected to the divine. No effort required. That being said, we can still seek to become better at being human, gain new skills, bring more of the divine into our lives and be better at remembering the reality of our being. This does not mean that we are lacking. We just haven't grown those laves yet. We have inside of us unlimited potential that we can choose to manifest.

Sometimes we can feel like there is something wrong with us that need to be repaired because we are not expressing that potential. We want to experience a better life. Learning how is part of that process. Growing, exploring, sharing; these are some of the ways that we express ourselves. They are part of the divine flow. Sometimes we can feel frustrated by the challenges we face, or somehow less because we don't know something that someone else does. This is simply a part of life and its expression.

Learning how to drive a car can make your life better, but you never need to learn how to drive. That's right. You don't. Your divine nature will not be changed in any way by not learning to drive. Your life may be a bit more difficult, you may have to depend on others or public transit to get around, heck you might even get in better shape by walking a bit more. Who knows? One thing is for sure however, you are already there, you just may not realize it yet.

Take some time to appreciate who you are in this drama of life. Learn to appreciate others. Learn to appreciate the situations you find your individual self playing in. Do this not because it will make you better, or somehow earn you positive karma, do it because you are beautiful and you deserve to enjoy the life you have and bring out joy in others too!


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