Mastery is effectiveness, elegance and usefulness to the highest degree in all aspects of life. A tall order, no?
The amazing thing about mastery is that you can focus on any one particular area of your life and then apply that mastery to all other areas of your life. By doing this you can become highly proficient in many different skills and abilities.
My particular focus is self mastery. Learn to understand your self, then everything else opens its doors to you. There are many aspects to who you are and it is sometimes useful to categorize the different areas of your being. There are many different ways of doing this and they are all valid to the point they are useful.
It is useful to think about your different levels of being as a rainbow. Each color is not really separate, they actually blend together, yet have the appearance of being separate colors.

In other words, you have the appearance of being a separate individual and yet you could not exist without everything else in the universe! The doorway to greater understanding of the Self is whatever is easiest to know. The best place to start is with you.
I would like to show you various aspects that you can learn to master, in order of obvious to the more subtle and the advantages of each.
The Physical
The is often the easiest area to start, mainly because it it the easiest to experience and share with other people. However, even in this area of reality, there is quite a bit of disagreement in to how it all works.
You could spend a lifetime exploring the physical universe and never run out of new things to discover.
Anything in the physical world can be used as a doorway to greater understanding. The best are physical activities that increase awareness and mindfulness.
Tai Chi, Yoga, Running, Swimming, Hiking and pretty much any outdoor activity can be useful. Creating physical things by hand is wonderful as well. Pay attention to the process and insight into the workings of reality will begin to show through.
You know you are beginning to master the physical when:
- You are physically healthy all the time
- You do not have "accidents"
- The things you own do not break or wear out
- Money comes to you easily and effortlessly
- People, places and things you are around become better physically
The Emotional

Depression, hopelessness, and fear are all examples of emotions that must be mastered. Even more positive emotions can become troublesome. Love can turn into addiction and create codependent relationships or even hate.
Don't be afraid of your emotions. When you have mastered them, the become your strongest allies in manifesting your intent into reality. There are many ways to master your emotions and the emotional exercises that help the most are ones that increase awareness and control.
Meditation is one example. Learning to delay gratification and to proceed to take action in the face of adversity is another. Any physical activity taken while paying attention to your emotions will give you great insight.
Mastering your emotions help to lift away the clouds and fog in your internal world allowing you to be more effective in your day to day life and see and think more clearly.
You will know when you are beginning to achieve emotional mastery when:
- You do not get upset easily
- You are able to maintain an effective emotional distance
- You understand and can feel the emotions of others
- You can choose, at will how you are going to feel
- You know how you really feel about things at all times
The Mental
The mind, if allowed to run rampant, can make your worst nightmares into a reality, but if mastered can create heaven on earth!
There are many exercises that help to master your mind. Meditation is good here as well. Mental puzzles and games like Sudoku are good. Literal puzzles are great for this.
Using logic, deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning effectively to figure out how and why things are the way they are is extremely useful.
Choosing consciously what you are going to do, often by effective planning, role playing, or freewill exercises are also extremely effective.
You know you are beginning to master your mind when:
- You are quickly able to ascertain the truth of situations and things instantly
- You can tell when you or someone else is not being truthful
- It becomes a small matter to determine how things function
- You can effortlessly choose the right course of action
- Your thoughts are clear, concise and accurate.
The Spiritual
There are actually many levels of existence at this level that would take many books and many, many lifetimes to even begin to explain. the easiest place to start here is the human soul. your soul is actually the part of you that is immortal. It continues from lifetime to lifetime and gathers wisdom and experiences as it goes. It is your higher self and ultimately wants what is best for it and you. Some people call it their guardian angel, some their spirit guides, but most of the time it is actually you. (there are such things a spirit guides and guardian angles too.)
At the highest level of the spiritual, there is unity with the divine, otherwise known as illumination or enlightenment. When this alignment is maintained, things are wonderful. you know everything, see everything and are everything and that is a pale description of it. Get there and see for yourself.
You will know when you are beginning to master the spiritual when:
- You have a deep sense of purpose and meaning in life
- You are guided intuitively to be at the right place at the right time
- You are able to see the deeper meaning behind events
- You radiate a beneficial aura of peace, love and acceptance
And Beyond!
Good luck and have fun!
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