There are many aspects of physical reality that can be a drag to take care of, but part of mastery is learning how to turn even the most negative experiences into pure gold. There are many of those experiences that become incredibly joyful when approached with wisdom and insight.
Taking Care of Your Body
The Body is the Temple of your Soul. Learning how to properly take care of it (and learning how to stop doing things that harm it) are part of the mastery process. The key to taking good care of your body is remembering that it is your closest friend and ally in this journey of life. If it suffers, you suffer. If it is healthy, you are healthy.
When it comes to dealing with things of a "higher" nature, if your body is unhealthy, you cannot receive information as clearly, channel power as effectively, and radiate joy as abundantly. Taking care of your body allows you to function in this world with unity, grace and power.
The body has a variety of needs, that are all fairly easy to take care of:
- Good Hygiene
- Good Intake: Food, Air and Water
- Good Work and Exercise
- Rest, Relaxation and Relationships
Good Hygiene
Good Hygiene includes more than just staying clean and taking regular baths, it also includes having a clean living area and positive healthy thoughts. Keeping your living area healthy allows you to reduce your exposure to unhealthy things. Ugly clutter and bad smells not only effect you physically, they can also effect you emotionally and psychologically (not to mention energetically).
Emotional hygiene means not dwelling in negative feelings. Whether that means feeling negative towards your body (OMG! I'm so fat!), feeling negative towards your environment, (Uhg! I hate this carpet, it's so ugly!), or people (Argh! People drive me crazy!).
Instead of focusing on negative feelings, learn to focus on the positive changes that these feelings are suggesting to you!
- "I'm so fat" turns into: "I want to take better care of my body with better diet and exercise."
- "I hate this carpet" turns into: "I want a beautiful carpet, how can I make that happen?"
- "People drive me crazy turns into: "I want to be able to get along better with people, what can I do to change that?"
Mental hygiene means healthy, positive thoughts instead of unhealthy, negative ones. Positive to the core! Not positive on the surface, with an ugly negative center. Real positive thoughts! You know what I mean.
Taking positive actions create a positive environment. A positive environment creates a positive body. Learn to see yourself as part of your environment and it becomes clear what to do to improve your health.
Good Intake: Food, Air and Water
Ahhh, the good old basic survival needs, what would we do without them? Probably die! (unless you are one of those people who have learned how to live without them. Congratz!) You more than likely have heard how to take care of the physical ascpect of this, so moving right along.
Much like good hygiene, good intake requires you to have positive feelings about what you are intaking.
Things to watch out for:
- "OMG! This food is so high in calories and cholesterol, I'm going to get so fat!" turns into: "This food is helping me build a better body through good nutrition" (if it isn't, don't eat it, or learn to love it anyway!)
- "Uhg, the air is so polluted and nasty!" turns into: "I only take what I need from the air and leave the rest!)
- "City water is so awful!" turns into: "the water I drink keeps me hydrated and healthy!"
Once again, it is important to take positive actions in regards to your intake and to do so in a positive way. A piece of cake, once a day won't hurt you, 30 might. So don't be negative to yourself if you decide to have a dessert. Part of good health is enjoying life and the things you do.
Good Work and Exercise
You body is at it's healthiest when it doing good work and enjoying good exercise. Your physical health is
a direct reflection in how you feel about what you are doing with your life. (People who have taken my body reading class know that this is also reflected by the condition of your car.)
If you life is full of purpose and meaning and you believe that you are doing what is best, your physical health will be amazing! When you are doing things to make the world a better place, you naturally fall into harmony with nature. Your body will thrive in the healthy environment that you create.

When it comes to exercise, the same thing applies. All the jogging in the world won't help you if you hate every single step you take. You're likely to get injured that way (if only so you can stop doing something you hate.)
However, if every jog, you feel like it's heaven on earth and what a joy to be alive and jogging, then your health will improve by leaps and bounds!
Your body, mind and emotions are all connected. They all must be healthy for you to be totally healthy.
It's fun and easy!
Rest, Relaxation and Relationships
An often overlooked area for physical health is Rest, Relaxation and Relationships. When our lives are in alignment, these things are interwoven with the other categories. To be effective, you need to learn how to rest while you work, relax while you eat and have fantastic relationships with the people you are around.
Learning to rest is as easy as doing things in cycles. Everything moves in cycles. Imagine the heart. It is constantly working 24/7 right? Nope. It works then rests, works then rests. Sometimes faster, sometimes slower, yet it continuously functions our whole lives.
In the same way, learning how to do things in natural cycles will allow you to work continuously your whole life!
Now you may not want to do this unless you have mastered relaxation (otherwise known as fun.) When you can make everything you do fun, life becomes endless cycles of pleasure and enjoyment.
Last but not least, relationships. Learning how to enjoy being around people, (or learning to only be around people you enjoy) is large part of our happiness of being human. Here's a tip: Focus on what you like about the people you are around. If you can't find anything, then you don't want to.
Now sometimes people are too toxic to be around, and the answer there is not to try to make it work, it is to get away from them. You do not need to stay in abusive relationships. EVER. If they are just irritating to you that's different. See if you can change how you feel, with people you trust.
Physical Health and You
As you can see, your physical health is more than just taking care of physical needs. It is also taking care of your emotions, thoughts and spirit. Total health is part of Total Mastery!