Friday, September 30, 2011


I thought I might share some of my thoughts about dreams. It has been my experience that there are many different types of dreams. Processing dreams, Symbolic dreams and True dreams. Each type is fairly distinctive and yet during a single night's sleep it is possible to shift between each kind.

Processing dreams content is often about the various experiences that we have had recently or that have been on our minds frequently. This is often how our conscious mind deciphers and encodes our experiences in a way that makes them understandable to our subconscious mind and available to long term memory. For example, we may dream about a movie we saw, and translate what we saw into symbols that relate to our personal experiences.

Symbolic dreams are not literal in content, tend to have outlandish or unrealistic imagery or colors and are often open to interpretation. It is by this method that our subconscious mind communicates with our conscious mind. This is an area that is ripe for new insights, inspiration and better understanding of your self and your current life situations.

True dreaming includes a lot of different types of dreams that have one thing in common they are a direct reflection of an actual occurrence of a past, present or future event. Another type included in this category is dream training, which is a dream wherein you are taught information, skills or abilities that you may not have had before consciously. (Whether that is by an outside entity or your own subconscious is rather beside the point.)

All of these various types of dreams have one thing in common: If you pay attention to your dreams you can gain valuable insights into yourself and the world around you.

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