Monday, September 16, 2013

How to get the most out of your natural psychic abilities.

Everybody is psychic. The real difference between someone who considers themselves psychic and someone who doesn't is often a very small difference: Awareness and belief. For people who have had psychic experiences and have recognized then as such, awareness is not a problem. However when faced with the sheer amount of disbelief in the world, belief can be hard to come by. With consistent practice this can be remedied.

Here are some ideas that can help you to develop your natural psychic abilities, simply and powerfully.


Often when faced with something that most people would consider difficult, it is not uncommon to tense up, or to try to use the body's muscles to make things happen. In fact, energy flows through you much better the more your physical body is relaxed because your energy channels are much more open. Deep breathing exercises can help, three good deep breaths is often enough to get you into a relaxed state.

Clear your mind

If you are trying to tune into energy, whether that is to become aware of emotional states, receive telepathic messages, or to listen to spiritual guidance, clearing your mind is extremely important. Often, energetic information is very subtle, and can easily be "talked over" by your own thoughts, feelings, and internal dialog. A daily meditation practice can do wonders for your receptivity.


If you are attempting to use a more active psychic ability, such as telekinesis or sending telepathic messages, the clearer and more focused your intent, the more powerful and accurate your results will be. There are many different ways to train your ability to focus. One way is to see how long you can focus on a single physical item. A book, stone, or a candle will work well. After you feel you have mastered this, move on to practicing focusing on a single thought, feeling or idea.

Send your intent

When you have in mind what you are trying to accomplish, release your intent out into the universe in a smooth, precise, and total release. When it is time to act, do so with full confidence and knowing that it will happen. Save your curiosity about whether or not it will work for after you have succeeded!

If you practice regularly, with this ideas in your awareness, you should notice powerful improvements in your natural psychic abilities in no time.