Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Importance of the Phsyical

When it comes to taking care of yourself, nothing is more basic than taking care of your physical needs. It is often so basic that it is easy to overlook, especially when you are contemplating higher things.

I know that for me personally, I find that things like eating right, healthy exercise and taking care of financial obligations somewhat irritating and bothersome. Until recently, that is.

The physical is the foundation of everything that you do while incarnated on planet earth. Being proactive and not procrastinating when it comes to taking care of your physical needs is important.

After all, if you think getting into shape is hard today, do you think it will be any easier ten years from now? Healthy diet has a cumulative effect, so starting sooner than later is important. Taking care of your finances is one of the most important, simply because having more than enough money gives you the freedom to pursue your dreams.

When it comes to relationships, my strong suggestion is: Improve your relationship with yourself. When you are happy and healthy you will naturally attract people that are healthy too (or improve the one you are in currently).

Healthy Eating

The more natural and seasonal your diet is the better. Processed foods have the most unnatural products in them, artificial sweeteners are worse than raw sugar, and cooking for yourself is better than eating out (unless that restaurant is awesome).

More important than what you eat is your attitude about what you eat. Bless your food. Send positive intent that you will get the best nutrition and sustenance available from the food you are eating. 

If you cannot feel healthy about the food you are eating and sending positive intent is impossible, then don't eat it! However, if you have been conditioned to fear eating natural foods, you may have to work on yourself a bit to relax your food standards and to do the best you can.

Healthy Exercise

Taking care of your physical body is very important. Having a fun, natural way to exercise allows you to have a sustainable fitness program.

Part of the difficulty when it comes to exercise is that people feel that unless they are working out at a gym for hours every day, then they are not getting sufficient exercise. That couldn't be farther from the truth!

All you really need is approximately 30 minutes of exercise 3-5 times a week to get into better shape. The amazing part is that you don't even have to do 30 minutes straight! You can literally do several 5-10 minute workouts throughout the day.

If you are looking for something that I personally use and highly recommend, look no further than: "You Are Your Own Gym" by Mark Lauren. The exercises in this book are body weight exercises that can be done no matter what your fitness level.

The work outs are anywhere from 16 minutes to 36 minutes in length, challenging and yet they leave you feeling great with plenty of energy to do what ever else you want to that day, even another workout!

I do this workout with the help of the app that you can find by searching for "you are your own gym" in the Apple or Android store. Get the app it helps a lot! It has videos and demos of the exercises and a workout tracker to make things easy. Seriously, get it.

Healthy Finances

This one is very important, part of what keeps us too busy to look deeper into the mysteries of the universe is constantly chasing after money and material things. I'm not saying money is bad, or that you should give up your material needs and go live in a cave wearing a diaper on your head.

I'm saying, get your finances in order. You will feel a lot better and you will have more freedom and more time to devote to your inner work if you do.

First of all: Stop spending money on things that do not improve your life. Money is meant to be spent, but if you waste it on junk that you don't need, then you might as well just throw that money in the trash for all the good it is doing for you.

Second of all: Stop being so damn cheap! Seriously, pay the extra money for the real cheese. Buy nice furniture instead of the couch that is $50 cheaper, even though the more "expensive" couch is exactly what you want and the "cheaper" one secretly makes you want to throw up!

Part of the reason we end up spending so much money is that we feel unfulfilled in life. Part of what makes life worth living is living in an environment that supports us mentally, emotional and spiritually as well as taking care of our physical needs.

Save a little longer if you have to and buy what you really want. You will end up saving thousands of dollars in the long run and you will uplift your spirit in ways you have to experience to believe!

Lastly: Do the work that inspires you and pays the bills! If you can't find your dream job, keep looking while you make your current job inspirational for yourself and others and when you find that dream job, go for it!

Having a well paying job allows you to finance a healthy lifestyle, gives you more freedom to pursue your dreams, and allows you to pay people like me for our wonderful help along the way. (We all got to eat, you know ;P )

Healthy Lifestyle

People. It all comes down in the end to people. Who you are with is often more important that where you are. The right people in you life can create heaven on earth. The wrong kind can make hell.

Create the kind of environment that will attract the people you want in your life and if nothing else, help you to be the kind of person that you want in your life. After all, you have to spend your whole life with yourself, so you might as well be someone that you would like to be around all the time!

Unhealthy people tend to put unhealthy demands on our time and energy. Weed them out, seriously. Today. Part of the reason you don't want to weed them out is because they will get upset. 

Like they aren't upset at you already. When you get rid of them, you won't be there to listen to their crap anymore, so you don't have to deal with it. Move on already. They'll find someone else to victimize soon enough.

Find healthy people. They are out there. Trust me.

Well, that wraps it up for today. If you have any questions or comments please post them here or email me and I will answer when appropriate!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Trust Yourself

Life can be difficult and confusing at times. Often we have done everything right, did what we were told to do, did exactly what we were supposed to have done and in the end things didn't work out the way they were supposed to have turned out.

How can this happen? I followed the plan perfectly and yet things didn't work out. What gives?

More than likely, at some point, there was a small quiet voice that knew exactly what to do, fighting to be heard over the shouting, demanding voice of the people of the past telling you what to do, and you listened.

Not to that inner knowing, but instead to the clamoring masses of other people's opinions demanding your attention. that is where things went wrong. The moment you stop trusting yourself, denying your true nature, your true beliefs, your true heart, that is when things go wrong.

There are many times when you have heard that voice and listened. If you pay attention, you know that voice, it's the one that is quiet, calm, and peaceful. The one that cares about you and doesn't threaten, try to guilt or shame you, doesn't demand anything at all.

That inner knowing isn't always in words, doesn't sounds like anyone you know, and probably doesn't even sounds like you, but it is you. It is in you. Trust in its strength and wisdom and soon you will see the results in you life that make life worth living.

Trust Yourself.