Monday, September 10, 2012

The Power of Personal Responsibility

There are many time in life when it easy to get overwhelmed by the constant demands that life makes of us. This is often because we have somehow given away our authority to others.

Whenever you feel that there are things that you "have to" do, or there is a long list of "shoulds" in our lives, we have given up our personal responsibility.

Everything that we do is our choice! We have freewill. We choose to create our lives in whatever way we see fit.

It is not uncommon to get hemmed in by other people and outside forces that threaten us with negative consequences if we do not conform to their wishes, but we always have the right, (if not the responsibility) to say no to the excessive and harmful demands that are not in alignment with ourselves.

 Personal Responsibility is Power! When you know that there is no higher authority than yourself, and that you are the only one responsible for your life, you become empowered to take action! Actions that help to make the world a better place, actions that bring joy and peace into your life and into the lives of others, actions of your own choosing!

You have the right to make decisions based on what you believe is best. How many times have you listened to others when you knew you shouldn't have? That stops today.

Make the choice to honor your inner wisdom and create the life that you want to live.

Life is wonderful when you put yourself in charge of it. Try it for a week, see how it fits, I'm sure you won't be disappointed!